Warde Publishers operates the websites featured below.
For additional information, please email: info@wardepub.com
Warde Publishers publishes a suite of products by Hall of Fame Golf Instructor Manuel de la Torre.
Manuel de la Torre (1921 – 2016) is a World Golf Teachers and PGA of America Hall of Fame Member. The first year the PGA of America gave a National Teacher of the Year Award (1986) it was given to Manuel de la Torre. Manuel became a legendary teacher influencing many famous teachers with the numerous seminars he conducted for the PGA, NGF and many other groups.
delatorregolf.com is now introducing streaming video of the best-selling DVD: Understanding the Golf Swing.
Welcome to Youth Sports!
Youth sports are a firmly established part of societies around the world, and they directly touch the lives of millions of children, adolescents, and adults. Research has shown that parents and coaches not only influence children’s socialization into sport, but they have a profound impact on the consequences that occur.
The publications on this website feature the work of Dr. Frank Smoll, a pioneering sport psychologist, whose research focused squarely on what is known about youth sports based on empirical evidence regarding youngsters’ psychological and physical development.
We are currently featuring Dr. Smoll's new publication, Sports and Your Young Athlete.
The Benefits of Reading Dual-Language Documents for Language Learners are Numerous
4. myprojectnotebook.com
This site is largely an exploration of publishing technologies. We also archive documents created using the applications covered. Sample content includes:
1. Content Demonstrations of documents created in Curvenote, DITA, .EPUB, InDesign, LaTeX, Markdown, citation management (Citavi), and more.
2. Linguistics Glossary: Demonstration of the WordPress extension, CM Tooltip Glossary Pro
5. academic-subject-classification-system.com
The purpose of the Academic Subject Classification System (ASCS) project is to collaborate with subject matter experts on the topic of how human knowledge, especially acdemic subjects, is ideally organized.
The site includes:
1. Introduction to a text by Paul Tillich: System of Sciences According to Objects and Methods
2. Academic Subject Classification Systems by subject.
3. Contributiuons from Subject Experts (to come):